Monday 17 August 2009


Hal has sadly died. He was 88 and had a full and happy life. Amrita is heartbroken, and so am I.

Hal is immortalised!

Hal is now 87 days old and Aiden finally reached painting level 5 and was able to paint his father's portrait.


I've now added a back porch area and pool - looks pretty :]

The Gilmore Legacy Bloopers

One of the main reasons we love sims is it's capability to create bizzarre and sometimes terrifying glitches...

Oh God! It's hideous!

Brittany was the prettiest girl in town...

Birthday suits

During Cain's birthday party Hal and his sons, Aiden and Bryce were all seen looking very dapper. The winner for me though, as always, is Hal. He's so cool, I wish he was immortal.

Old lady Megan!

To ensure he had a good welcoming into his teens, Aiden and Bryce saw to it that the prettiest girls were invited, including the Wainwright daughters; Hayley, Sienna and Miriam. They are the daughters of sims Megan (ie. me) who seemingly decided to chaperone her three daughters! Alas, age has not been kind to me!

Cain is now an adult!

And a very good looking one at that! Think I'll let him stick around :)


So, the gilmore family are sound asleep when... OMG BURGLAR! Fortunately Aiden is useful for something - he has the Brave trait! Poor burglar didn't even make it through the door before Aiden proceded to... well, get his ass kicked. But the second round saw Aiden victorious!

Unfortunately Hal and Bryce we're overcome by fear, but luckily Aiden diodn't need backup...

Aiden is now an Adult!

He's so dull... once I have his lifetime wish achieved he's gone!

Bryce is now a teen!

Bryce is now a teen and is officially the heir to the Gilmore family legacy! (Sorry aiden!)

Cain is now a child!

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Hal creates the first family portrait, of Amrita!

Wish I'd gotten him to a high enough painting skill to do a portrait of her before she became an elder - not to self for future! Oh well, Hal looks very pleased with himself... that, or shifty!

Hal is now a World renowned surgeon!

The phrase "mad scientist" comes to mind!

Aiden is now a teenager!

The troubled look is probably because he's heard rumours that he's no longer the heir..!

Amrita is now an Elder

She spent most of adulthood pregnant, so she's got alot of work ahead of her to get her lifetime wish of being star news anchor!

Bryce is now a child!

- Athletic
- Coward
- Hates the outdoors

I'm also thinking Bryce should be the heir - he's much more studious... and better looking than Aiden!

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Hal and Amrita's third child, Cain!

- Clumsy
- Genius

They wanted a girl, but despite my best Watermelon pancake efforts, they've had a boy. I secretly wanted them to have another boy, so har har! Probably for the best too, since all neighbouring sims seem to be having girls!

Bryce is now a toddler

Looks like amrita, and barely anything like Hal, apart from his blue eyes.

Sims 3 challenges

I discovered a page with some challenges for Sims 3 - it lists the legacy challenge, but also a few others:

I'm liking the sound of the Asylum challenge >:)

Monday 10 August 2009

Like father like son

Look familiar!? I hope he continues to be like Hal. I love Hal.

Hal has commitment issues...

Once a commitment issue sim, always a commitment issue sim!

Aiden is now a child!

Traits so far:
- Virtuoso
- Loves the outdoors
- Brave
(good so far!)

The Gilmore Legacy home

Finally saved up enough to build a good house! It has 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms (well, it will once the house is fully furnished!)
I also plan on adding a garage, a pool and bbq area and a park. The house itself won't change and will be the home of all future Gilmore generations :]

Saturday 8 August 2009

Introducing Hal & Amrita's second baby, Bryce

- Athletic
- Hates the outdoors

No jogging for little Bryce, then!

Thursday 6 August 2009

Aiden is now a Toddler

He looks so much like Hal!

Introducing Baby Aiden

- Loves the outdoors
- Virtuoso
Aiden will be the next Heir in the Gilmore family Legacy :) I've already picked out his future wife..!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

The Gilmore Legacy First Home

Current Furnished lot Value: §39,902

Amrita's Husband, Hal

- Flirty
- Great Kisser
- Commitment Issues
- Schmoozer
- Coward
- Latin Music
- Cheese Steak
- Red
- Law Enforcement level 4 - Patrol Officer
- Heartbreaker (be the boyfriend of 10 different sims)

Generation 1 - Amrita

- Bookworm
- Genius
- Artistic
- Ambitious
- Lucky
- Custom Music
- Hamburgers
- Spice red
- Journalism Level 1 - Paper Girl
- Star News Anchor